19 June 2012

A Slothful Weekend

It was a slow weekend—good for things like sloths, tortugas (turtles), and manatees.  And, indeed, we saw them all, at least a little.  We took a weekend excursion with other Habla Ya students to San San Pond Sak wetlands, where we visited the research and tortuga protection programs being carried on there by AAMVECONA http://www.aamvecona.com/en/index.php?p=1.  On Saturday morning, after taking taxis from the school to the dock, 11 of us boarded a water taxi for the 25 minute ride from Bocas del Toro to Almirante.  There a bus was waiting to take us 24 kilometers up the coast toward Costa Rica past the town of Changuinola, home of the Panama Baseball League 2012 champions Los Tortugueras (The Turtle Men) of Bocas Del Toro. We stopped at the San San River bridge, and there we boarded a wooden launch to motor about 45 minutes down river to the camp on a narrow peninsula between the river and the Caribbean Sea.  En route we encountered some heavy rain, so much of our stuff was wet when we arrived.  My once shiny Panama Birds book now looks worn and formerly wet.

Our rustic accommodations did include a comfortable double bed, with mosquito netting, in a private room, so it was really just right.  The shower was downstairs and cold, but in the intense heat and humidity it was a pleasure to take any kind of shower.

When it stopped raining, we started exploring.  And napping.  While I napped, Peggy found a sloth—I think it was a three-toed sloth, but don’t know for sure.  She woke me up and we went together to look at it.  The hike was about 50 meters.  While we were looking at Peggy’s sloth, I found two others.  They all were completely motionless.  They looked like messy balls of wet hair stuck to the tree branches.  Beyond that we really couldn’t see anything else, except on one of them we could clearly see some toes.  So I guess that settles it—we saw three toed sloths.

One of the featured highlights of this weekend trip was the hope of seeing giant leatherback turtles, the tortugas for which this spot is famous.  A female will lay her eggs on the beach nearby, and about 60 to 63 days later, they all hatch and the babies emerge at the same time.  As many as 60 or 70 dig out from the sand nest within just a few minutes.  Except here there is a lot of human intervention in the name of science and protection of this vulnerable species.  During breeding season, from about February to August, teams of workers (los tortugueras) patrol a 5 kilometer stretch of the beach looking for female turtles and the nests where they deposit their eggs.  The eggs are all collected, moved to fenced enclosure near the research center, and reburied in the sand in a man-made nest of the same dimensions as the female’s natural nest.  Dozens of these relocated nests are in the fenced enclosure where a small wire and bug-netting canopy is placed over each nest.  Here a person and a dog named Mike keep constant vigil over the hundreds of precious tortuga eggs, protecting them from predators both wild and human.  We were told we would have a chance to see both an egg-laying female and the hatching of a nest full of eggs, if we were lucky.  The plan was to look for both after dinner.

But at dusk, before it was even time for dinner, we got word that there was a hatching underway.  So we trotted down to the beach were we saw two people catching the little tortugas as they escaped the nest.  Each was placed in a wheel barrow that was teaming with 3 inch long tortugas trying to scramble out with their little flipper/legs.  They asked us each to put on a surgical glove, and then they let us help pick up the little rascals and put them in the wheel barrow.  I (and others) managed to snap off a couple of photos before they said no flash photography—it might disorient the little guys.  When the workers were confident that all the babies had been collected and no more were coming out of the nest, they wheeled the barrow about 100 meters down the beach and then, one by one, we put the tortugas on the sand and watched as they scurried to the water’s edge.  They carefully counted as each was released.  My tortuga was a strong little guy, number 8, who immediately headed to the water.   Peggy helped a set of twins, 18 and 19, get on their way.  If they make it, the females from this brood will come back to the same beach in about 20 or 25 years to lay their own eggs in the same sand.  It was a moving experience to hold the little tortugas and help them start their dangerous life-long journey in the sea.  It’s so dangerous that the workers waited until all the babies had made it into the water, preventing unseen predators from getting them before they made the first short walk to the sea.

After that excitement we had dinner and by then it was about 9 PM, time to go on the beach patrol looking for a female laying eggs.   No lights, they explained, and it would be about a 4 kilometer walk one-way with another 4 kilometers back.  So off we went, walking the beach in the dark with no moonlight to guide us.  Although we all stumbled over something sometime, amazingly no one got hurt.  We all just got really tired.  By the time we got back to the camp, it was after midnight, and we had not seen a single tortuga on the beach.  Sometimes that happens, they explained, especially now as the nesting season is starting to wane.  So hot, tired, and disappointed, we all went to bed, only to be aroused minutes later by the cry “la tortuga!”  A female had been spotted about 2 or 3 hundred meters from camp, but in the other direction on the beach.  So we all got up and out again, hopeful and cheerful.  But when we got to the site just a few minutes later, the tortuga was gone.  The workers were looking for the nest, so we stayed to at least see the recovery of the fresh eggs.  They explained the tortuguas will lay the eggs in the nest, and then create several false nests to try to deceive any predators who may be looking for the tasty eggs.  To find the nest one experienced worker used a metal rod about 3 or 4 feet long to probe into the sand where the tortuga had disturbed it.  They explained that the probe slides easily into the looser sand of the nest, and rarely do they damage an egg looking for the nest this way.  Nevertheless, one time the man with the probe pulled it out of the sand, and then felt the tip of the probe and smelled it, suggesting that sometimes they do puncture an egg.  Tonight, however, they found nothing.  Sometimes that happens, they said.  The tortuga may get disturbed and leave before the eggs are laid. 

So, disappointed again, we trudged, very tired, back to our rooms.  I didn’t have the energy to look at the clock, but I guessed it was about 1 AM when we climbed back in bed, me first, then Peggy.  Peggy had barely pulled up the sheet when another cry came, “la tortuga!”  Peggy was out of bed in a flash, but me—“I can’t go out,” I said.  “I’m beat.”  So I slept.

When Peggy got to the nest, again not far from camp, the tortuga had already finished laying the eggs. But she was still there.  Peggy said it was enormous, with a very large head and bulging vitrous eyes that appeared to be crying.  The workers allowed her to touch the soft leathery eggs that had already been placed in a plastic bag for transport to the nursery.  They measure not only the mother tortuga, but also the size and depth of the nest so they can replicate those dimensions back at the nursery.  They record not only the date and number of eggs, but also the exact location of each nest.  Sometimes they get a 60% hatch rate, beating an average hatch rate of about 40% in natural nests.

I managed to wake enough to ask Peggy about it when she returned at who knows when.  I think I remember her answering before I fell back asleep again.

The next day we went out in a small boat into the mangrove swamp near the river’s mouth, not far from camp.  We managed to find a few birds, though seeing them in the dense leaves of the swamp was difficult.  While doing this, I spotted a manatee surface not far away.  Neither Peggy nor the boatman saw the manatee, but we could all see the surface of the water ripple as the manatee swam under the surface closer and closer to us, finally passing within just a few feet of the boat before continuing out of sight into the distance. 

As for the birds, we found these 4 new ones:  Collared Plover, Black-cowled Oriole, Olive-backed Euphonia (we heard lots of these singing before we finally saw one), and Blue Ground-Dove.  Got quite a few bug bites, too.

Exhausted, we are now back at home and eager to get more sleep.  It was a really great trip.

11 June 2012

Back to School

Monday, Bocas del Toro, Panama.

Even the locals say this is unusual.  It rained here, really hard, before school, during school, and after school.  On our way home from class around 12:30 we had to wade a little bit down the street, and then had to change our route to avoid having to wade a lot.  Where the streets have sidewalks (like the one we see from our hotel balcony), some of the streets are flooded to the point of the sidewalks being under water.  Even now it is raining, though not quite as much as before.

I am working outside on the balcony.  I had to look for a place that had both electricity and no leaks.  Our bed in our room didn’t qualify.  It had both electricity and a leak—right by my pillow.  Not quite sure how we are going to deal with that tonight.

Today was our first day of classes in Bocas.  They put us in a B-1 group with a good and entertaining teacher.  B-1 would be appropriate, because we finished A-2 on our last day of classes in Boquete.  However, this B-1 group has already been meeting for a week, so we are a week behind.  That’s not good, because we probably would have been have been a week or more behind (functionally) even if we hadn’t missed a week of classes.  

Consequently, during our morning class break we spoke to the administrator about our concern, primarily that we needed more review of the material we learned in A-2 and weren’t ready to skip ahead to the second week of B-1.  By the end of the morning we had worked out a good solution.  We will be going to 3 hours of “mini-group” lessons in the afternoons and dropping out of the morning group lessons.  We liked the students in our group this morning, so we’ll miss them.  But we will get the same teacher, at least for this week.  I think Peggy and I will have more time in actual conversation practice in this mini-group, and get more personalized grammar teaching, too.

During our vacation week I could not make myself study.  As Peggy said, I only studied about 20 minutes during the entire week.  But as I replied, it was quality time.  Peggy, on the other hand, studied for hours.

Well, I guess it’s time to go study.

10 June 2012

Out to Sea

Day 9 of Nine.

While eating breakfast on our hotel balcony we got our first lifer of the day, 2 Mangrove Swallows swooping around the homes in our neighborhood.  An hour later we chartered a small boat to take us out to Isla de Pájaros—Bird Island.  It was a sturdy fiberglass boat about 20 feet long, equipped with a canvas canopy and a 75 horsepower Yamaha outboard engine.  The captain was a young man, a member of the Boatmen’s Union. 

We were advised to go out in the morning, when the water is calm, because in the afternoons the ocean swells get large.  Well, if that was calm water this morning, I am never going out there in the afternoon!  The swells were quite large, and the currents swirled around the small, but very picturesque Isla de Pájaros.  Binoculars were useless because the boat bobbed relentlessly on the rough water.  As we drew close to the island we first saw large brown birds flying, then more delicate white ones.  Brown Boobies and Red-billed Tropicbirds.  The latter was our target, a white bird with a red bill, black markings on the back, and two white, long, streaming tail feathers.  A beautiful sea bird. 

On the way back we swung behind the lee of Isla Colon (the big island we live on) and once back in calm water we looked for herons and other birds among the mangroves.  We saw a few birds we hadn’t seen before in Panama, but they were all familiar birds we’d seen in the USA.

After we got our “land legs” back, we at lunch at a small restaurant on the bay, watching Magnificent Frigatebirds wheel high in the sky.

The life birds for the day:

Mangrove Swallow
Red-billed Tropicbird

Two lifers for the day and 48 for the week.  I still think it possible to have gotten 100 in the week, but we would have had to work harder and approach it differently than we did.  Anyway, it was lots of fun trying.  And there is still the rest of the month to get the next 52.  

Tomorrow it's back to Spanish lessons for us.

Rainy, Hot, Humid and Rest

Day 8 of Nine

Having already conceded we won’t reach the goal of 100 (see yesterday’s post), the pressure is gone.  Today was a day to relax.  Even more so because of the downpour this morning (something we never had in the morning in Boquete) and the stifling heat and humidity this afternoon.  Once the sun came out after the rain, it remained really hot until the sun went down.  That was exactly when we ran into one of our language school friends that we met weeks ago in Boquete.  She has been living here for about a month already.  “Oh, today was really cool,” she said.  “It’s usually much hotter,” she said.  Yikes!

No new birds today.  We still have 46 for the week.  Tomorrow we’ll take a little boat trip to see Red-billed Tropicbird, so we should get at least one on the 9th and last day of the week.

Since we didn’t get any birds today, I thought I’d share a photo of this little beauty we saw earlier this week, a tarantula.

Across the Great Divide

Day 7 of Nine

Friday, 8 June.  A continental divide could hardly be in a place more narrow than Panama.  But then I guess that’s why the Panama Canal is here.  Despite the narrow continent, the birding really is different on this, the Caribbean/Atlantic side of the isthmus. 

Except for the dense fog at ground level right on the contintental divide, the weather was good the whole trip.  We had a good day birding.  So good, in fact, that even our guide got a new life bird. 

Here are the new ones we got.

Muscovy Duck
Northern Jacana
Azure-headed Jay
Passerini’s Tanager
Montezuma’s Oropendola
Keel-billed Toucan (this is the Fruit Loops bird)
Black-crowned Tityra
Scarlet-rumped Cacique
Black-cheeked Woodpecker
Plain-colored Tanager
Long-tailed Tyrant
Cinnamon Becard
Purple-crowned Fairy
Crimson-collared Tanager
Collared Aracari
Pale-vented Pigeon

That makes 16 for the day, and 46 for the week.  A good day, but since it is certainly the best day of the week, it is now clear we won’t get to 100.  We might not even make it to 50.  But I have a new goal in mind.  Actually, it’s the same goal—100—but I am just extending the end date to 30 June, the day we leave Panama.  After 2 weeks here in Bocas del Toro, we’ll spend 5 days in Panama City and the former Canal Zone.  The birds are quite different there, too, so I’m counting on that week to really boost the total at the end.

A Lesser Setback

Day 6.5 of Nine

Oops.  I counted as a new species one that we had already seen before.  But I guess one can be forgiven for overlooking a bird with such a humble name as Lesser Greenlet.

Subtract one new species from Day 5.  Back down to 30 for the week and 70 more to go.  

07 June 2012

Why Birds This Week?

Day 6 of Nine

Today, Thursday, we are preparing to move from the mountains of Boquete to the beaches of Bocas del Toro, Panama.  So no new birds today.  Just a day of rest before our big transcontinental push tomorrow.  We’ll be up and out of the house early in the morning, birding the whole way to Bocas.

So why is this week devoted to birding?  We’ve survived, even succeeded in the last 6 weeks of Spanish school.  Four hours a day, five days a week, plus homework.  The homework was easy the first 3 weeks, but it ramped up steeply in Survivor II, the second 3 weeks.  We were introduced to 3 new verb tenses in the last week, and we both felt like we were losing more than we were gaining.  In short, we were tired and feeling a bit burned out. 

All along we had been planning this 1 week vacation between the first 6 weeks in Boquete and 2 more weeks in Bocas del Toro.  Now it looks like great planning, because it couldn’t have come at a better time. 

We feel good about how much we have learned, but still find it extremely difficult to put our lessons to use in actual conversation.  But in time, that too will come, as long as we keep at it.   

So the birding this week is a little breather to refresh us before the final 2 weeks.  More studying ahead.  Life is not just about birding.  But you already knew that.

Got A Few Today

Day 5 of Nine

Despite our guides’ lament—“This is horrible.  Last time I was here we stayed 2 hours and couldn’t leave for all the birds. Today, nothing”—we did see some birds today.  Like I thought, we found different bird life in the lower elevations.  It was at times slow birding, but still we got a few new ones today in and near the village of Caldera.

Add these to the list:

White-winged Becard
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
Gray-headed Chachalaca
Rough-legged Tyrannulet (aka White-fronted Tyrannulet)
Thick-billed Seed-Finch
Squirrel Cuckoo
Blue-headed Parrot
Lesser Greenlet
Lance-tailed Manakin

Unfortunately for me, Peggy saw that Lance-tailed Manakin, but I didn’t.  So I guess it counts toward the 100 for the week, right?  That means today 9 new ones, and for the week 31.  Only 69 to go!

06 June 2012

Falling Behind

Day 4 of Nine

Now I am discouraged.  About meeting my goal of seeing 100 new bird species this week, I mean.  We had a very fine morning of birding in a remarkably verdant forest in a private farm/reserve above Boquete town.  But most of the birds were not willing to be seen today.  We saw more bird-tails-behind-leaves and rear-ends-flying-away today than we saw birds in clear profile.  There were a lot of birds around.  Peggy and the guide, Terry, told me they could hear lots of them—but mostly I cannot hear the high-pitched birds any more.

Fortunately for me, I can still hear some of the lower-pitched songs, and because of that I got one of the lifers we “saw” today.  As soon as we got out of the car this morning we heard a bird calling frequently from deep within the forest—impossible to see or get to it.  But with Terry’s help we learned it was the Three-wattled Bellbird.  Which is an odd name, because it sounds nothing like a bell, but very much like a croaking frog.  So we memorized the “song” to compare it later to the wonderful collection of bird songs at www.xeno-canto.org.  It was easy to confirm that the croaking we heard was the same as the recordings of the Three-wattled Bellbird recorded nearby.  It’s a shame we didn’t see it, because the male is rather ugly in a beautiful kind of way with those 3 pendulous wattles hanging from its bill. Maybe someday soon.

And here is the very short new bird list of the day.

Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner (aka Spectacled Foliage-gleaner)
Three-wattled Bellbird

So instead of the 6 or 8  or more new species I had hoped for, we got 2 new species for the day, totaling 22 species in 4 days.  That’s less than half of the daily average needed to make 100.  I’m way behind.  Now reaching my goal seems very doubtful.

There is still good birding ahead, however.  Tomorrow we plan to go down to lower elevations where we have spent very little time.  Elevation makes a tremendous difference to the birds here in the tropics, so as we go to low country I have high hopes for some new finds tomorrow.   Thursday will be an off-day as we prepare to move to the Caribbean beach-front town of Bocas del Toro, so I expect zero new birds that day.  Friday will be a big day as we cross the continental divide and for the very first time bird the Atlantic slope of Panama.  Just like the change in elevation, changing from one side of the mountains to the other has a great effect on the bird life.  That day will be the biggest birding day of the week.  But could we get 50 or more in one day?  Right now it doesn’t feel possible.  Then Saturday and Sunday, the 8th and 9th days of the week we will be settling into our new digs in Bocas del Toro and exploring the island.  We’ll see more new birds there.  Will it be enough for 100 in the  or week?

Today I doubt I’ll make it, so I am discouraged about the goal.  But I am not the least bit discouraged about the adventure of it.  We are having a grand time exploring this little part of God’s creation, seeing, and sometimes hearing, the colorful, loud and strange spectacle of bird life that God put here.  We experience it as though a gift God meant for us to enjoy.

05 June 2012

When a Week Is Nine Days

4 June 2012.  My goal is 100 new birds in a week, right?  Well, in my week I’m giving myself both weekends.  So that makes it a 9 day week.  I need 11.111 birds per day, on average.  But do you think I’m counting?  I sure am.  Some of my faithful readers (well, maybe one or two) have asked why I don't write more about birds.  You asked for it, you got it!  This week is devoted to the birds.  All 9 days of it.
Day 1 of Nine.  Saturday we left Boquete in a rental car and birded our way to Cerro Punta on the other side of our volcano Volcan Baru.  Our first stop of the morning came with an exclamation—“Wow! What was that?”  It was not one, but 6 Fiery-billed Aracaris.  Their long bills and wild coloration could put the Fruit Loops toucan to shame.  They were stunning, but not new.  We did see a 3 new ones at this stop along the road, and 6 more at the next stop, which was actually planned.  Finally, we added 2 new hummingbirds at the feeders at Cielito Sur B&B.

Eleven for the day!  A pretty good start.

Golden-hooded Tanager
Green Honeycreeper
Scaled Pigeon
Bran-colored Flycatcher
Black-and-white Owl
Yellow Tyrannulet
Yellow-crowned Euphonia
Olivaceous Piculet
Green Violet-ear
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird

Nope, I’m not making up these names.  I’m not that creative.

Day 2 of Nine.  We started birding today in Volcan Baru National Park.  It was slow at first, but then we encountered a mixed flock in the cloud forest that got us off and running.  We got up as high as the start of Los Queztales Trail—famous for Resplendant Queztals, but we have already seen several of them—and then we headed back down.  Five lifers here.  After a short drive to the other side of the valley we entered La Amistad International Park.  There we got 1 lifer while eating lunch and 3 more out on the trail.  That is 9 for the day and 20 in 2 days.  I’m really pleased.

Collared Redstart
Flame-throated Warbler
Ruddy Treerunner
Black-billed Nightingale-thrush
Mountain Thrush
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher
Yellowish Flycatcher
Black-cheeked Warbler
Spot-crowned Woodcreeper

We also saw a Scintillant Hummingbird at the B&B.  It wasn’t new this week, but worth mentioning just for the name.

Day 3 of Nine.  We birded the grounds of the B&B after breakfast (delicious!), and then loaded the car to bird our way back to our home stay in Boquete.  We got kind of a late start, and the morning was sunny and hot.  Birding was slow at first, and then got slower.  We stopped at a couple of recommended stops.  Nada.  We looked especially for the White-crested Coquette, but nada.  We ended up back at the home stay with nothing new to show for the day.

That’s zero for today and 20 new species in 3 days.  My pace is now 13.333 species behind the average of 11.111 per day.  I’m disappointed with the day, but not yet discouraged.  The best is yet to come.  The next 2 days we go out with a local guide, and Friday we’ll be going with her again to cross the isthmus to the Atlantic side where there are many birds that don’t appear here on the Pacific side of the mountains.   It can still be done.